Debora Young

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Of Counsel

Ms. Young’s experience in Workers’ Compensation began during her time in Law School.

Ms. Young has had experience in many different aspects of Law and throughout her fourteen year law career has been able to use her incredible interpersonal abilities to obtain the best results for her clients.

Her attention to detail and great devotion to her craft has made her an integral part of the Law Office of Hedy Golshani since 2016.

“People think I’m disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference.”

Luciano Pavarotti

Luciano Pavarotti

Why Choose The Law Office of Hedy Golshani?

Law Office of Hedy Golshani’s experienced legal team approaches the law with integrity.

Our priority is resolving cases expeditiously.

Catastrophic Case Resolution Experts

Building trust through speedy, cost minimizing settlements. We excel at resolving even the most extreme cases.

Minimize Client Costs Through Expedited Case Handling

We are experts at achieving speedy cost effective results in the resolution of Workers' Compensation claims.

Utilization of Structured Settlements

Knowing all the ins and outs of the Workers' Compensation system allows us to use the right strategy and approach for each case.

Resolution Consultants

Looking out for the best interest of our clients through speedy resolutions is always our upmost priority.

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